
I have always been someone who reads books or hears music, and can instantly visualize a scene. I sense with my mind’s eye. Vividly. Corporeal-ly. Videography helps me translate that imagery from my mind to light to pixels.

Creating videos for artists and musicians. Playing around with textures and sounds and light. This is just an exploration, another way I create.

AYAKO: Promo Video.

Directing, videography, and editing — all done by me. Production in collaboration with AYAKO. Video clips that I had originally taken for the proomo were also used in the official music video below.

Dada-ist Animation.

This is an OLD animation from the archives, 18 years old. Meant to be choppy, hand-made, cut-out, and a bit strange :) A dada-ist inspired project, with my first hand at Adobe After Effects.

Jackson Englund: Music Video [coming soon]

I did the videography and direction in collaboration with Jackson Englund. Production by AYAKO. This music video is currently in post-production, and will be on my website shortly.


Peregrine Mag